
Running, Biking, Swimming, Triathlons, Snowshoeing: what's next? Sal's kicks butt.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Push Up Challenge

August 1 begins the pushup challenge (two more days). I don't believe single-arm pushups, like the female in the image is doing, are necessary. But go ahead if you are in that kind of shape.

What if you can't do 15 pushups to start day one? Begin with the number you can do, be it one or two or five, whatever. Try modified pushups with your knees on the ground if you need to. The important thing is to just do it.

If you already can do more than 15 then start with whatever that number is and then add to it each day as above.

Make sure you are using good form, no saggy midsections. Once your form fails stop, there is no sense getting injured or doing them poorly.

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